Man on the Moon | John Lewis/Age UK | UK
John Lewis wanted to deliver a Christmas campaign that would separate them from the chasing retail pack whilst using our growing brand influence to support a good cause.
‘Man On The Moon’ generated more views, likes, shares, engagements, parodies, buzz and PR coverage than any of John Lewis’ previous Christmas campaigns, helping put John Lewis top of mind and win the public’s hearts.
The partnership with Age UK allowed John Lewis to harness the power of its brand at Christmas to do good. Awareness of the cause increased, 12,000 people were inspired to volunteer, £183k in fundraising was directly raised and Age UK gained new corporate partnerships worth +£2.5 million.
The campaign helped John Lewis achieve record sales and profits at Christmas, taking £951 million in revenue. In a retail market down -1.8%, John Lewis outperformed the market, with like-for-like sales rising +5.1%. Margin also increased by 3.1% in November and 2.2% in December, amounting to John Lewis’ most commercially successful Christmas to date.