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72% of Germans prefer to spend their holidays abroad, because they find Germany boring.
To encourage Germans to explore their country, they created a campaign comparing images of iconic tourism destinations around the world with similar images in Germany. There was one huge difference, the price. Using algorithms, Facebook data and geo targeting, they also used social influencers and their locations to calculate these comparisons in real time.
The campaign had a click through rate 850% higher than usual German Rail campaigns, 23.5million ad impressions, 6.61% conversion and increased revenue by 24%.
To celebrate 30 years of the “Just Do It” campaign, Nike wanted to capture the attention of today’s generation of youth. They did this by using a combination of both professional and “everyday” athletes who had all overcome barriers to achieve their “crazy dreams”.
One of the athletes, American football star Colin Kaepernick, had recently refused to stand for the national anthem as a protest about police brutality.
After an initial media and political backlash, the sentiment turned with many celebrities and consumers supporting the athlete’s and Nike’s position
The campaign created $163MM of earned media and helped boost sales by 31%
In 2013, the Russian Government enacted a law criminalizing the promotion and distribution of materials in support of non-traditional sexual relationships to minors. Many see this as a ban on the rights and culture of the LGBTQI+ community.
During the World Cup when all eyes were on Russia, 6 gay activists took to the streets of Moscow wearing football strips with the colours of the rainbow flag.
Photographs taken of the group at a variety of iconic locations where shared across the world. The #hiddenflag initiative went viral in more than 63 countries, resulting in 1.8k press articles, 6.1 billion impressions and $15m worth of earned media
1 in 10 of the population suffer from serious disabilities and struggle every day to accomplish basic activities in their own home. In line with the IKEA vision to “create a better everyday life for the many”, IKEA decided to become the first brand to bridge the gap between their products and people with disabilities.
Designers worked with users to develop a range of free add on products to make their furniture more user friendly. The products were available in store or downloadable for 3D printers across the world.
There was a 37% increase in sales of products with free add-ons and a 33% increase in revenue.
There is a belief that only sad campaigns raise money. Pro Infirmis, Switzerland’s largest organisation for people with disabilities, took a different approach
Their humorous campaign highlighted situations that both able and disabled share and not the differences, conveying that people with disabilities are simply a part of our society.
The campaign resulted in 38 PR contributions, reached 8M globally and had 13.6k interactions on Facebook.
Sargento wanted to create a buzz around their new line of cheese. They decided the best way to allow free sampling was to put it on everyone’s favourite food; Pizza. They event pledged to deliver it for free.
There was one catch – people had to wait between 4 and 18 months for their cheese to age before they could get their pizza, creating the “World’s Slowest Pizza Delivery”.
In 2 hours and 8 minutes, Sargento’s entire supply of pizzas was gone and they had generated 170 million media impressions.
As part of their sponsorship of the Australian Open, Uber Eats set out to make viewers believe they were returning to the tennis from an ad break, only to have it suddenly turn into a dinner order for UberEats.
The campaign differed from previous campaigns in that it was the first brand allowed to use the actual tournament broadcast crew, camera, officials and commentators, or to shoot on court.
The campaign garnered both national and international media attention. However, specific impact results have remained undisclosed to the public.
Schweppes new global positioning, “Character Required”, proved a challenge in Brazil. where there is still a stigma around women who speak up about their treatment. With Schweppes Brazil target market being both men and nightclubs, they decided to clash with their target and use the new global position to bring awareness to women harassment.
They created a dress which recorded unconsented touches a woman received from men whilst in a nightclub. Schweppes encouraged men to build their characters and acknowledge the harassment.
The campaign reached more than 140 countries with more than 1500 media outlet mentions. The video registered more than 600,000 views, and the campaign gained more than 2 billion global impressions with more than $11mm earned media.
Germany has a gender pay gap of 21% - the second largest in Europe. In response, BVG created the world’s first women’s public transportation ticket allowing Berlin women to travel for 21% less.
The campaign brought Equal Pay Day onto the evening news of every German broadcaster on March 18th. It achieved over 1500 articles and reports, featured in 66 TV news broadcasts in Europe, garnered 6.7 billion media contacts and 107 equivalent million media value. Ticket sales also increased by 3,600% and search queries for ‘Equal Pay’ on increased by 1,900% compared to previous years on Equal Pay Day.
When Country Time realised that children across America were being ticketed or fined for running lemonade stands, they decided to take action. They created Legal Ade to represent kids, paying permits and fines for kids whose lemonade stands were shut down.
As a result, Country Time saw its biggest sales and share growth in 7 years. They reached almost 1.2 billion impressions and of that, 2.3% actively engaged with the brand. The campaign was also covered in over 225 broadcast news segments and earned over $10 million in earned media.
Romania ranks amongst the top 10 unhappiest countries in the European Union. With Coca-Cola’s mission to bring people together through positivity, they decided to take the opportunity to encourage positivity and optimism in Romania.
The campaign selected the most hopeful statistics and news about Romanian citizens and creative thousands of limited edition Half Full bottles featuring positive news about Romania.
67 Romanian influencers joined the campaign for free and Coca-Cola managed to reach 63% of the core target audience. 48% of the young people who saw the campaign interacted with the chatbot.
In the UK and Ireland, the biggest drinking event of the year is the Six Nations. Guinness sponsored the six-week tournament and launched their campaign on the first day.
The campaign got the team captains and legendary rugby figures involved indorsing the campaign on social media, along with a video brand partnership with the UK and Ireland’s most popular media outlet, The Sun.
The idea behind the campaign was to change social behaviour and promote responsible drinking by rebranding boring old tap water into something desirable that people want to order. With this in mind they launched a new Guinness product – Guinness Clear, made from 100% H20.
Gun violence in the USA has been recognized as a public health crisis, with Chicago at the centre of this national epidemic. Every week, nearly 40 people are shot across the city, but these numbers are continuously swept under the rug.
The Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence (ICHV) aims to educate and raise public awareness around this issue but how do you shine a light on an issue that Chicagoans have become numb to? Most Dangerous Street put all of the city’s gun violence in one area making it impossible to ignore.
ICHV used lasers to represent the victims of gun violence in the city week-by-week, executed on a single street and guided by emotive audio of the victim’s families. Over 40 state legislators and 93% of Chicago-based lawmakers were impacted by this initiative and as a result the SAFE Act is gaining support with a vote scheduled in the fall of 2019.
Microsoft designed the Xbox Adaptive Controller – a customizable controller that aims to make gaming accessible to all. Designed to be inclusive in every aspect, it’s affordable, extensible, easy to set up and can adapt to each gamer’s specific needs.
To demonstrate the new controller Microsoft gave the device to gamers with limited mobility and filmed it, with their voices and experiences becoming the backbone of the campaign.
The goal was never to sell more controllers, it was to empower people with disabilities and show the world why accessibility matters, and the results speak for themselves:
33 Million Gamers Empowered
Invention of the Year 2018 – TIME Magazine
$35 Million in Earned Media
#1 Most Effective Super Bowl Ad
1.1 Billion Impressions
879% Increase in #GamingForEveryone
77% Increase in Conversation About Inclusive Gaming
See Sound is the world’s first smart home hearing system for the Deaf. Simply plug the See Sound unit(s) directly into your wall outlet and connect via Wi-Fi to the app on your phone. When a sound occurs, the closest See Sound interprets it via the AI-learning model and makes a prediction based on its confidence level, alerting users on their smart devices. This idea gives the Deaf community a renewed sense of freedom and control in their homes by finally enabling them to see sound.
Having earned 3 patents and invested $160,000+ over the last 4 years, they are ready to launch See Sound worldwide. They are petitioning local, state, and federal US governments to introduce this product under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)’s scope of accessible technology, which would allow the government to cover the cost of distributing See Sound
To embrace the shift and mirror this new form of citizen engagement, the UN broke protocol at a pivotal point in the fight for climate change: COP24, the 24th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
They created The People’s Seat. A new physical seat at the UN, representing the world’s people rather than a nation or a specific interest.
Two weeks before COP24, Sir David Attenborough invited people to have their voices heard at the UN by using #TakeYourSeat through our launch video. This video was shared alongside a series of social polls, across UN social channels and via our global network of influencers.
DO Black is a radical new tool against climate change. It’s the first card with a CO2-emission limit, stopping you from overspending, not based on available funds but on the impact caused by your consumption.
The innovation combined three functions. Adapting the ability to measure the impact of every transaction (Åland Index), the set CO2-emission limit calculated per country/capita, and the payment system integration of CO2-emission limit overriding the accounts financial credit level.
The intention is to make a tangible solution, resulting in awareness, user adoption and productive new partnerships impacting every transaction.
Over 40 banks from all over the world are already in contact to discuss collaborations/white label solutions, and other credit card companies have reached out to discuss a potential collaboration to implement the idea.
Long-term SDG contribution is to increase awareness, collaboration and a drastic reduction of CO2-emissions from consumption with 50% by 2030.
The POTUS isn’t known for being the best speller on Twitter. But when he spelled something as American as the word hamburgers incorrectly in a tweet when serving up some of our very own Whoppers at the White House to the NCAA football champion Clemson Tigers, Burger King knew that they couldn’t sit back and remain silent on social.
Their objective was simple: enter the conversation in a nonpartisan manner that would grab the Internet’s attention in a shareworthy way.
The execution was in the form of a simple, organic tweet that was posted from the Burger King U.S. Twitter account and then shared by users all around the social space.
This single tweet ended up generating some incredible numbers and became one of Burger King’s most successful social posts ever.
Miracle Whip is an established brand, but it has been losing relevance. Sales were entering their twelfth straight year of decline.
They were tasked with reversing this trend with an original creative idea.
They decided to do something as bold and tangy as Miracle Whip's flavour and to change the officially bland name of Mayo, FL to Miracle Whip, FL. They put Miracle Whip back on the map, by taking Mayo off it. We hoped this fun and quirky idea would resonate with as broad a target as possible. Since we had only a few weeks to turn around a decade of declining sales, our target was basically every American.
The activation, with close to $0 in paid media, generated over one billion impressions. With coverage in over 400 publications, including a mention on the front page of USA Today.
McDonald’s outnumber BK restaurants 2-to-1 in the U.S. So, in the spirit of Burger King’s challenger mentality, they didn’t just do a promo. Nor did they simply troll McDonald’s. They turned their biggest competitor’s advantage into their own, by turning their restaurants into touchpoints of the campaign, inviting consumers to order a 1-cent Whopper that could only be ordered “at” McDonald’s through the new BK App.
During the 9-day promotion, The Whopper Detour garnered 3.5 billion impressions, an 818% increase in Twitter mentions for the brand, and $40 million in earned media. The app was downloaded 1.5 million times. The success translated into business results: Burger King saw the highest foot traffic in over 4 years.
With America’s family-dining category declining, IHOP sought to transcend its best-for-breakfast fame to drive traffic during additional mealtimes.
For 60 years, IHOP was known and loved for its eponymous guest-favourite: pancakes. So how could the restaurant be taken seriously about its new burgers?
They flipped one letter, and the Internet flipped out. With the slightest change to an iconic acronym, IHOb was born, reawakening an entire country’s latent love for a nostalgic brand.
For one week, a nation of guests, influencers, celebrity fans and media guessed, “What’s the b in IHOb?!” PR drove the narrative with executive interviews and culinary previews for target media and influencers who would ultimately help reveal the embargoed news.
Ultimately, IHOP was successful in exciting America’s taste buds beyond breakfast. IHOb dramatically increased IHOP’s perception for “having great burgers” from 41% to 51%, catapulting the brand from last place to second place among competitors.
In 2018, Stablio Boss entered the gender equality narrative using an inventive approach. They chose 3 women over-looked in the history books - ASA mathematician Katherine Johnson, US First Lady Edith Wilson and Austrian-Swedish physicist Lise Meitner. The campaign literally highlighted the ladies in photos taken with their male counterparts and created a global conversation.
At its peak, the campaign reached up to 15 million impressions and interaction rates of 27%. Not only did Highlight the Remarkable go viral but it has shown impressive staying power and continues to gain at least 4100 interactions per day to date.
Lessons in Herstory aims to challenge the male orientated narrative of history and address the gender imbalance that is often portrayed by the history books. In schools across America, students can access this augmented reality app and be inspired of stories related to the main characters of America’s history. By presenting the importance of women in history, the app hopes to reinforce the cultural shift towards gender equality.
Lessons in Herstory earned 88 million impressions and over 110,000 downloads. The app has gained the attention of major global organisations such as UN Women and the World Economic Forum.
Go Back to Africa aims to own the negative connotations of this phrase and turns it into a positive, aspirational call to action. Using technology, the campaign targeted negative uses of the phrase on Twitter and served hyper targeted ads for each of Africa’s 54 countries.
The ads link back to the carefully curated library travel images featuring members of the black community.
89% of the audience said the campaign reduced the hate from the term “go back to Africa”. It also achieved 2 x search interest in the brand and 315% increase in brand visibility.
The Color Experiment asked young children to colour a sketch of a child, firstly the scarf green and the hair orange. Then the child was asked to colour the face skin coloured. All children regardless of ethnicity chose pale pink.
SOM then provided each school with a pack of pencils that represented skin tones from all backgrounds and allowed the conversation on diversity to be more easily accessible.
The organic video received over 24,000 views on the SOM Facebook page. It achieved the Equivalent Advertising Value of £150,000 with no media spend. And it reached 75% of all Belgians.
The Tour Des Femmes addressed the gender gap in cycling and debunked the naysayers who argued a lack of interest from the public and ability in female cyclists to complete the 21 stage race. Skoda selected a team of 13 women who completed each stage 1 day ahead of the men’s race.
The campaign sparked global interest and achieved a ROI of over 7500%. It was picked up by major news outlets and impacted 300m + people. Importantly, the UCI president David Lappartient announced he wanted to see a women’s Tour de France by the end of his presidency.
The eagerly anticipated Calve peanut butter commercials have always stuck to a tried and test formula – a famous Dutch athlete eating a Calve peanut butter sandwich when they were young. But all previous commercials featured men.
In 2018 they took the initiative to make the protagonist Leike Martens, Fifa’s winner of Best Female Football Player in 2018. She further amplified the campaign by taking press conference on the football field where the commercial was shot and posting it on her Instagram account to almost £1million followers.
The campaign generated €2,432,250 of PR value and nearly three times the net media budget. It also received international recognition in Monaco and China.
In 2012 a giant rainbow sculpture appeared in Saviour Square in Warsaw the sculpture triggered hate among opponents of LGBT rights. After the original sculpture destroyed by vandalism, Ben & Jerry’s created an unbreakable and unbranded version. On social media they informed of their partnership of the equality parade and in the week preceding the projection they teased about the rainbow event. The day before the screening they organised a press breakfast to present the design installation. On the day of the event, they published a public invitation on social media, reported via live streaming and encouraged social media users to share their image.
The campaign resulted in a 47.5M reach and 355k live reactions and featured by international media including: The Washington Post, The Telegraph, China Post, The Guardian. Comedian James Corden mentioned the campaign to his 10.6M followers.
Ben & Jerry’s wanted to educate teens in Poland to respect their LGBT+ peers and make them aware of how they feel during one of the most important moments of secondary school: Prom.
Working with a group of students from Warsaw’s Bednarska High School they created The Equality Prom Dance – danced by same sex couples by the graduate students during their prom, demonstrated their refusal to commit to the norms that discriminate against their LGBT+ peers.
Ben & Jerry’s filmed a documentary during the prom and invited journalists to its press premiere in the school’s cinema to emphasise its authenticity. Later that day the video was uploaded onto Ben & Jerry’s social channels inviting LGBT+ allies, celebrities and influencers to share.
The Miss America Organisation has always led the charge on female empowerment as a catalyst for women. They decided to rebrand and launch Miss America 2.0 shifting public perception by getting rid of the brands most prominent symbol – the bikini.
The campaign launched with the hashtag #byebyebikini announced on Good morning America with Gretchen Carlson (A former Miss America and one of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in 2017).
In the first 48 hours the #byebyebikini campaign had more than 3.75 billion impressions on Twitter with no paid media budget.
For 27 years, “Your Weekend” was one of Poland’s longest running and most read adult magazines and in December 2018 it was bought by agency, VMLY&R Poland. The agency teamed up with (a leading Polish news portal) Mastercard and BNP Paribas, two brands with a long-term commitment to empower women’s rights.
Together they created the last issue, published on International Women’s Day, keeping the regular sections and columns but reimagining the content around sexual education, gender portrayal, equal rights and sexism.
It was the symbolic end of an era and a specular beginning to a much-need national conversation. The last ever issue generated over 500k visits to a 50% increase in their daily traffic.
Pakistan has one of the worst records of child marriages in the world. The UN decided to hijack the annual bridal fashion show by collaborating with the nation’s best known fashion designer and introduce a new kind of bridal gown that represents the sad state of affairs in Pakistan, and highlights the fact that an early marriage results in a loss of education and empowerment.
The campaign targeted people on two levels: through the stunt itself, targeting Pakistani influencers and media personnel to spread the conversation and put pressure on policymakers. And secondly, through on the ground sessions, directly addressing the masses.
The live stunt went viral and generated almost 500,000,000 social and news media impressions – more than any campaign for this cause has ever done in Pakistan.
RDFL – an NGO in Lebanon which defends women’s rights – accelerated action on ending child marriage in the country, by developing a shocking social media stunt that reminded the Lebanese that child marriage was still legal.
Profiles of underage girls filled the pages of and for those unfamiliar with e-commerce an in-mall booth was set up to offer the child brides.
More than 6 million people engaged with the campaign, and the proposed new law to raise the legal age of marriage to 18, was presented in Parliament once more, for hearing.
In 2018 many prominent headlines covered aspects of sexual harassment, assault and bullying. Men’s behaviour made the headlines almost daily but despite the female reaction with the #metoo movement, men remained almost silent. Gillette turned its well-known slogan on its head. The Best a Man Can Get to The Best a Man Can Be.
The We Believe campaign gave men the opportunity to enter the dialogue on toxic masculinity. We Believe became the #1 trending topic of Twitter generating 110 million views and 15 billion media impressions. The video gathered the most likes (and dislikes) of any ad in YouTube history.
Following years of Civil War, Lebanon remains a sectarian society underpinned by a law which prevents those from different religions from marriage. Absolute Vodka launched Civil Love to encourage their target market, the young millennials, to “create a better tomorrow tonight” and fall in love with others from different religions. They found a legal loophole and held a civil marriage on a boat just 12 miles from the Lebanese coast in International waters.
Absolute Civil love became a social movement and the new government proposed a motion to make civil marriage a civil right. The campaign also attracted traction with 30 million views and impressions and a 17.69% increase in sales.
As America’s biggest brewer, Budweiser set about producing their beer in a more sustainable way, using 100% wind power. Their call to arms, “brewing for a better tomorrow” was advertised during Super Bowl causing a global conversation on clean energy. Over 100m Americans watched the ad and it was voted #8 best Super Bowl spot of 2019. Budweiser also donated renewable energy to offset all the energy used by the host city Atlanta, for an entire week.
The results include 6.85 billion media impressions with 95% positive sentiment. They also removed 25,000 tonnes of Co2 emissions and saved enough energy to power 300 homes for a year.
Carling used an insight that their target market buys clothes for the purpose of photos posted on social media. This market is also concerned about the environmental impact of the fashion industry and therefore Carling launched virtual clothing. The Digital Collection therefore had a zero% negative impact on the environment. Via mobile phone meta-data, a virtual tailor adjusts the clothes in a SD program to give the best results in the photos, making them look as realistic as possible.
The Digital Collection served as a driver for Carlings newly opened web shop for ordinary clothes. Web traffic increased by 56% and digital clothing was sold to people from over 30 countries in the test period.
The team at One campaign aimed to increase the number of registrations for organ donation. They traced the organs donated by a teenage, basketball loving boy, and asked the recipients to take part in a basketball team, named after the boy. They wore shirts with the organ they received pictured on the front and their numbers made up the date the donor died. The team then took part in a game in his honour and brought to life his unrealized dream.
The campaign brought about a 415% increase in registrations for organ donation. It also gained 220 media impressions and 1.36 million hashtags in 3 months.
This campaign for blood donation centred on the efforts of one man Mr Mithani who had given blood over 150 times and now had been advised that due to his age it was no longer safe for him to continue. Mr Mithani refused unless 100,000 new donors gave blood. The message was amplified on social #StopMithani. He also appeared on radio and TV channels and his family took to social media to air their concerns about him continuing to give blood.
#StopMithani got 366,572 donations in a single day, twice the number from the previous year. They also got a total reach of 3,43,74,443.
With sales declining by 5% year on year, Myer wanted to make their department store the destination of choice for families over Christmas. So they gave them a new reason to visit, by creating an exclusive, musthave product – the Naughty or Nice Bauble. The bauble and its companion mobile app were promoted via an integrated campaign and across Myer’s owned channels and in-store.
20,000 baubles sold out in just 11 days. Baubles appeared on eBay for triple their RRP shortly after. The baubles returned a 35% profit margin, but more significant was their impact on the wider business. Shoppers who bought baubles re-visited Myer 4x more often and spent over 2x as much in-store than nonbauble purchasers at Christmas. And, for the first time in 10 years, total Christmas sales at Myer increased 1.6%
After 36 years, Peru qualified to a World Cup. Thousands of Peruvians applied for loans and sold their belongings to travel to support their team and travel to Russia – a country three times more expensive than Peru. Plaza Vea wanted to create a unique experience and lowered the prices in the three main supermarkets in the cities where Peru were playing. All the fans had to do, was show there ID or passport and they would automatically be given the item at the lower price.
Perussian Prices increased Plaza Vea’s sales and transactions by 7.5% and 3.1% respectively compared to the previous year. During its launch online, it accomplished an engagement of 14% by reaching 4.88M people and getting a total of 3.5M views. It also got 2.5 million dollars in earned media, 65 million impressions and 98% of positive mentions.
The Female Company sought to spread their key message: “Sign our petition to get rid of tampon tax”. With very little budget, they promoted it via an online film which was uploaded on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. The first edition of the tampon book sold out in a day, the second edition in a week. They sent the book to 100 politicians and 100 influencers, many of whom shared their story on social media. The trailer film on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram was viewed more than 10.5 million times – with a media budget of absolutely zero.
Within two weeks, the media pressure forced politicians from several oppositional parties to react and invite the founders of The Female Company to join forces. Our petition got the necessary 150,000 signatures to urge the German parliament to discuss the abolition of the tampon tax.
Every day, 2 kids in Germany are diagnosed with blood cancer. Young donors (18 - 30) are the best candidates. However, only 20% of this demographic are taking part. KMSZ created the first lolly that can save lives - The Life Lolli. A tasty lollipop with a few special features: A swab instead of a stick to collect DNA and a heart shape – perfect for social media.
The innovative DNA test delivered unprecedented results. 120 major news stories generating 235 million+ media impressions. 19.9% of website visitors ordered a Life Lolli (150,000 monthly visits). KMSZ also received 106 times more kit orders compared to average and experienced 680% increase in registrations compared to average with new donators being 11 years younger than norm (from 37 to 26 years).
Brazilian traffic kills 54.000 lives every year. Text and driving, the 2nd major casualty cause, stands even before intoxicated driving. However, 51% of drivers still admit to text and driving. Uber aimed to promote a safer more humane traffic in the cities it operates by making Brazilians experience the risk of their bad habit through their biggest passion: football.
During a football match, the teams Goalkeeper continually checks his phone. Fans shared the video and the first club fan who posted the goalkeeper video gained 50 thousand new friends on Facebook in only 1 hour and a million new friends in 2 days. The campaign prompted 3.1 million search results after the match and 4.7 million in earned media in just 3 days, prompting the community to start talking about texting and driving.
Only half of Americans register to become a donor despite 95% believing in its importance. To counter this, Second Chances was created to reward an organ donor’s generosity. Police officers gave donors a “Second Chance Ticket” on account of the donor giving someone else a second chance on life.
In the month the campaign launched, California registered 110,609 new donors (a 38% increase from the year prior), as well as more than 3 million free impressions. Other police departments went on to adopt the program for their own use. As of today, Beverly Hills, Anaheim and New York State are taking steps to join the original pilot cities and make this an annually reoccurring program.
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