Amen Uruguay presents "We are all women", a new campaign planned and created by its specialized area in Citizen Communication. The work was developed for UN Women, with the objective of raising the awareness of the world population about the violence that exists day by day against the women of the whole planet, revealing a point of view capable of promoting respect.
With Chinese women facing immense pressure to marry before they reach 27 and become 'Sheng Nu' ('leftover women'), skincare brand SK-II filmed at a Chinese 'marriage market', where parents look for a spouse for their child, and encouraged women to be open and positive about singledom. The campaign took the brand's Change Destiny slogan and gave it new, heartfelt meaning and encouraged discussion of a taboo subject in China. The video had 25 million views and 6.5 million social interactions, and led to 1,600 editorial articles in 54 countries.
Tide became one of the most talked about brands at Super bowl when legendary sportsman and commentator Terry Bradshaw appeared on camera with a big stain on his shirt. Comments immediately started to trend on Twitter before an ad from Tide revealed it was a set up. Not only was the stunt seen by over 100 million viewers it also helped increase sales of Tide by 20%.
People love it when brands make mistakes. So, when Velocity - the Virgin Atlantic frequent flyer programme - made a big "mistake" - their Billion Point Giveaway (should have been Million) the public loved it. Especially when the company agreed to honour it. Their mini-series of videos were viewed 7.3 million times and their revenue grew by 60%.
When the Spanish Government reduced VAT from 21% to 10% on cultural events this included theatre but not cinema. Cinemas Texas got around this law by turning cinema performances into theatre performances and allowed their audiences to collect the difference on leaving and when signing a petition. They increased their audiences by 36% and collected more than 120k signatures.
Thousands of girls in Kenya are at the risk of female genital mutilation. To raise awareness of this atrocity Action Aid created a campaign where films were "brutally cut" into the content of well-known vloggers before being adopted by many publishers and celebrities. The campaign was also adopted in cinemas, festival screens and digital posters across the UK. The films reached 152 million viewers.
Launching the Salaam Loans under their broad Do Right initiative, TATA Capital extended a helping hand to deserving individuals who do not have access to organized credit, empowering them to claim their #LoanKaHaq. Under the Salaam Loans campaign, TATA Capital urged their social media and digital followers to share stories of deserving individuals with the brand. The brand mobilized their social media followers by vowing to provide loans to individuals whose stories garnered a 1000 Likes on Facebook. #LoanKaHaq managed an Organic Reach of more than 1 million, delivering over 19.2 million Impressions for TATA Capital on Facebook alone. The campaign helped the brand get 967k Page Likes during the campaign. Engagement figures registered by TATA Capital peaked at 539,661 Likes and 4,697 Reactions, while also receiving 1677 Comments and 3757 Shares on Facebook which indicates that the campaign was received favourably by their social media audience.
Woman Interrupted is an app that analyses conversations in real time and shows how much the user was interrupted (female users) or how much he interrupted a woman (male users). The app escalated quickly: over 15.000 downloads within the first days in 57 countries. It also made headlines in 36 countries and published in 250 news websites and blogs. This media resulted in more than U$7.5 million in earned media, and 700 million impacts. The discussion spread to social media, impacting another 12 million people. In paid media, the estimated impacts were approximately 75 million, while not a dollar was spent - all the formats were 100% donated.
Breast Cancer Screenings | Rialto Channel | Australia
Breast Cancer Screenings | Rialto Channel | Australia
Ascendant Dx wanted to trial tear tests as an easy and cost effective way of improved accuracy and early detection of breast cancer they partnered with Rialto Channel cinemas. The cinema showed classic tear-jerker movies and invited large groups of women to attend who much preferred this form of test to having a mammogram. Normally test groups have around 5 volunteers but by using the cinema this increased to 140.
Writing our Rights | The Empowerment Book | Ignite, USA
Writing our Rights | The Empowerment Book | Ignite, USA
To inspire girls to become the next generation of political leaders, Ignite created Writing Our Rights: a workbook that aims to develop more than just handwriting. Rather than featuring the generic sentences typical of workbooks, every exercise will be comprised of powerful quotes from 10 iconic female leaders and designed to make both the woman and her words familiar and relatable to young girls. Though they come from different time periods and reference different views, these words all teach girls the same lesson: They are powerful. The more young girls learn and write their rights, the more likely they will grow up inspired to change the status quo. Donors who make a gift of $50 or more to this campaign received a copy of the limited edition 11" X 14" professionally bound “Writing Our Rights” workbook, as a special thank you for supporting IGNITE’s efforts to empower the next generation of women to step into political power. However, the book is available for all to download for free at
Words of Welcome | Verein Fur Berliner Stadtmission | Germany
Words of Welcome | Verein Fur Berliner Stadtmission | Germany
Words of Welcome is a design concept that turns every aid donation into a German language lesson. With the help of language experts, a phonetic system that combines German language and the Arabic script was created. Printing the transcriptions on a simple roll of box tape made it easy for volunteers and refugees to repackage the donations on site. The tape uses 7 different colours representing different product categories - helping to differentiate food, sanitary, medical and baby products. The platform caters for the first 28 words every refugee needs to learn so they can communicate their basic needs. An online platform enables people to help spread the word to other citizens, brands and corporations to attract new sponsors.To date, over 70.000 metres of tape to help refugees learn German - helping asylum seekers feel more understood and more welcome in their new environment.
Child Replacement Programme | Pedigree | New Zealand
Child Replacement Programme | Pedigree | New Zealand
Empty Nest Syndrome is the loneliness parents feel when their children leave home. The Pedigree Child Replacement Programme targeted 'Empty Nesters' with a comically blunt campaign encouraging them to adopt a dog and 'move on' when their kids moved out. All work directed parents to their website where they could match the characteristics of their child with the characteristics of an abandoned dog– ensuring the perfect replacement was found. The campaign drove an 824% lift in dog adoption enquiries through animal shelters as well as a 16% lift in Pedigree’s sales. Visits to the site far exceeded forecasted expectations, forcing them to find more shelter dogs to meet the demand. In six weeks, they got more online dog adoption enquiries than in the last two years combined, helping to make The Pedigree Child Replacement Programme the most successful Adoption Drive campaign in almost a decade.
Wrigley Extra Gum's campaigns had focused on long lasting flavour, but struggled to build a long-lasting relationship with consumers. Their new campaign, Give Extra, Get Extra focuses on the lasting connections that can begin with something small, yet meaningful. The two-minute film follows the love story of two high school teenagers who share special moments with Extra Gum through the years until their engagement, cleverly drawn out on gum wrappers. The film struck a chord with consumers, garnering 1.3 billion impressions, receiving over 110 million views overall and helped reverse two years of declining sales.
The Virtual Crashboard | Sécurité routière IDF | France
The Virtual Crashboard | Sécurité routière IDF | France
In Paris, over 4500 people were injured or killed when crossing the road due to an imprudent behaviour in 2017. The Parisian Road Safety Authority wanted to raise awareness about the danger of being a careless pedestrian in order to make this figure decrease by making people experience the unique moment when one faces a danger. A special camera detected when pedestrians were crossing at a red light and simulated the sounds of a car utilising an emergency brake. In that moment, a photo was captured and used on the billboard to show pedestrians how foolishly they acted. The images became part of the wider campaign used on websites, social networks and transport billboards. In two months, the campaign had 50 million organic views and 1.2 million interactions, making ‘pedestrian and drivers co-existence’ the number one topic in main French news.
At less frequented pedestrian railway crossings, expensive warning systems can’t always be installed. These crossing pose a risk to human life every day. KiwiRail created The Conscious Crossing as a safe, cost-effective way to keep pedestrians alert everytime they cross the tracks. The Conscious Crossing is an outdoor installation consisting of a series of moveable cates. It keeps the crossing environment ever-changing, continually altering the environment to make the familiar, unfamiliar. Designed with human nature in mind, it creates an ongoing cycle of safety as pedestrians are empowered to constantly change it to keep each other safe.
Over the last 10 years, there’s been a staggering 40% drop in blood donor registrations, putting thousands lives at risks. To draw attention to the fact that NHS Blood & transplant were urgently missing blood types A, B & O, they decided to visualise the issue by making the letters disappear from society. Publications, institutions, brands and celebrities created a powerful call to action by getting involved, triggering an unprecedented social media movement. Most importantly, over 30,000 new donors registered in 10 days, saving or improving up to 100,000 lives.
It is estimated that in France addictions account for one in five deaths and one out of every two delinquent acts, mainly among young people. It's easy to miss the alcoholism of someone close. Addict Aide, an organisation specialised in alcohol addiction wanted to highlight this difficulty. Through an Instagram profile created specifically, followers were introduced to Louise Delage during 6 weeks: a 25 year old Parisian, who seems to enjoy life to the fullest. A campaign built and thought around growth hacking techniques with no media buying but the appropriate knowledge of the mechanisms that govern Instagram. Every photo contained alcohol – but this was overlooked by her 110K followers. The campaign garnered over 1 billion impressions and 9.8 million earned media.
For most of us, having access to clean clothes every day is something easily taken for granted. But for thousands of schoolchildren, the lack of clean clothes is a source of shae so powerful it can keep them out of school. Whirlpool’s attempt to address the problem placed washers and dryers in schools in major areas of deprivation, then tracked whether the donations affected attendance rates. In the 47 participating schools, 90% of participating students improved their attendance and had an 89% increase in class participation. In 2017, over 1000 schools have requested the program.
In India, 96% of transactions are in cash with many Indians reluctant to use digital methods of payment. But there's always a dearth of change so shopkeepers resort to tendering candies instead of change, resulting in customers losing out on a considerable sum over time. Paytm saw this as a window of opportunity, allowing shopkeepers to distribute Paytm branded sweets that could be redeemed for the appropriate change through their app. Over the course of a month, they received over a million app downloads, brought the cost of customer acquisition down from 60 to 12 rupees and 36% of the downloaders remained active users.
In 2016, France was preparing to celebrate the centenary of the Battle of Verdun. French rapper, Black M, was to perform as part of the anniversary celebrations. Leaders of the Far Right felt that as a French citizen of Guinea descent, his performance would be inappropriate and disrespectful to the memory of the soldiers. Instead of directly addressing the politicians, Black M responded with a song of love for his country, defying all of the haters. The song received over 50 million views on YouTube, 10 million listeners on streaming services and over 674 million Twitter impressions for #Jesuischezmoi.
The United States is the only advanced democracy in the world that systemically puts up barriers and make it as hard as possible to for citizens to vote. In 2016, there were 868 fewer places to vote with polling stations for low-income and minority voters either removed or few and far between. Boost Mobile wanted to give the people in their areas the chance to have their voice heard, turning their stores into official polling stations. Working with the election authorities, Boost Mobile increased voter turnout in their precincts by 23%, helped facilitate the biggest day of early voting in Chicago history. The campaign had over 766 million total campaign impressions. After the success of the campaign, Boost stores will continue to serve as official voting stations in the ongoing fight for equal access.
In the cold winter, could an advertisement keep people worm? Uniqlo developed a 'Heat Tech Window' which assisted in a room temperature increase of 2-3 degrees Celsius. The air inside the bubble wrap blocks the heat conduction between the outside an dinside, thus raising the temperature of the room. Over the festive period in 2016, Uniqlo Korea handed out the Heat Tech Windows to consumers in all their stores for free with any purchase. 500k people were given a Heat Tech Window, which was then applied to their windows at home, creating 500k spaces of free OOH advertising media for Uniqlo. Applying the Heat Tech Window saes an average 20% on heating. The campaign video garnered 30 million impressions and Heat Tech product sales grew by 203%.
In it's first ever collaboration, Burger King Spain and Sony Interactive Entertainment launched 'Burger Clan.' The campaign featured nine professional gamers representing FIFA '17, Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto V. The professional gamers played alongside your average Joe online, allowing gamers at home to place a burger delivery order without ever leaving the game (or the sofa for that matter). The campaign had 200 million media impressions, an increase of 300% on home delivery users and an overall 21% increase in sales.
Over 30% of LGBT young people have attempted suicide. With a HQ in one of the USA's most conservative state, Texas, Doritos produced a special rainbow-coloured edition to raise money for a gay rights charity, It Gets Better. The special "Doritos Rainbows" packs, only available in the US and online with a $10 donation, contained the message: "There's nothing bolder than being yourself." The campaign resulted in packs being sold out within 24 hours, 1 billion media impressions in 12 hours and #1 trending topic on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram simultaneously.
If both genders share the same city and passion for sports, why are 100% of Bogota's city sports signs in mayor parks represented by a male figure? Nike set out to empower women by changing this definitely. The simple action created a huge conversation that spread on social and traditional media. All the Buzz caught Bogota's City Hall attention, and the office for gender equality joined the campaign to make it happen not just for one day, but forever. As a result, Nike was invited to co-create a whole new batch of signs for main parks in the city. Signs that include both male and female athletes, together, as it should be.
Gender equality is a global conversation. But, for all our talk, progress has been slow. So Host set out to help the conversation by leveraging a brand with a surprising problem. 'Google: define', a tool belonging to the world's most progressive company, was inadvertently serving definitions that perpetuated out-dated gender stereotypes. So, they created #RedefineWomen - a social movement that appealed to Google to update their definitions. Within a week, Google: define began to change their meanings to define words, not women.
Microsoft's #MakeWhatsNext campaign, timed to coincide with International Women's Day, celebrates women inventors and inspires girls to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). #MakeWhatsNext videos and content have received over 14 million views, earning over 754,000 shares with a positive sentiment of 99.8%. #MakeWhatsNext has also earned over 184 million media impressions. The campaign drove a 50% increase in website engagement and resulted in a 23% lift in searches for “Microsoft”.
90% of women in Pakistan have suffered some form of abuse. Disturbingly most men and many women believed men had the right to "beat lightly" women. A bill supporting this right was even debated by politicians. The #beatme campaign invited men to try and beat women and activities they were good at. The films caused a social media sensation with 296 million earned impressions as well as extensive coverage across all media channels. A new law protecting women’s rights has recently been implemented.
Out of a total population of 46 Million, a staggering number of 8 Million Colombians do not have any bank accounts. They earn less than 3 dollars a day, mostly in coins, by selling small things like drinks and food on the street. They cannot afford to have bank accounts, which creates a vicious cycle of no credit history, higher exposure to robbery and difficulty of escaping poverty, since they are unable to get loans. Tigo-Une turned 13,000 cast iron pay phones from the turn of the century into a micro-savings system for the poorest in Colombia. Now they can go to a Une store to activate an account, then deposit their earnings, which are mostly coins, into the public phone and their own microsavings account. That account can be used to pay utility bills, buy public transit tickets, and even get microloans at stores to buy basic appliances like a refrigerator.
For many in the community even if you're ‘out’ and completely comfortable with your sexuality, holding hands with a partner in public can still feel awkward, tense or even scary – sometimes making it easier to just let go. So ANZ encouraged people to #HOLDTIGHT instead - celebrating the simple act of LGBTI couples holding hands. Media were keen to report on the evolution of ANZ’s support of Mardi Gras, with 456 media items falling across Australia New Zealand and international titles. Coupled with the films’ more than 12 million views and 150,000 shares, there were nearly 750 million campaign impressions in total. The most resounding result was the 100% positive tone in the reporting by third parties
Interesting facts about the Faroe Islands: they’re among the most unexplored spots on earth, sheep outnumber humans two to one and, until recently, they didn’t exist on Google Street View. Determined to change that last fact, the country’s tourism office launched “Sheepview 360”. A local version of the popular Street View with one major difference: all imagery was shot from 360° cameras strapped onto sheep. With #WeWantGoogleStreetView and #VisitFaroeIslands, the campaign attracted global interest and got the attention of Google. Today, tourism is at an all-time high and the tiny islands are finally on Street View.
Millions of children across rural India still don't have the habit of washing hands with soap before eating. Savlon chalk sticks reached kids in over 100 schools and successfully helped introduce the habit of everyday hand-washing in over 150,000 children. The innovation featured in over 79 local newspapers and leading TV news channels, which resuled in a distribution plan reaching more than a million kids every day. This single promotion helped establish Savlon as a major player in the health & hygiene category with a reach of 5.1 million on Twitter and 4.3 million on Facebook
Magic Wallpaper helps encourage parents engage their children in bedtime stories with specially created characters which come alive on their website and app. The characters could also be combined to create endless stories and fire the imaginations of both the children and parents
Stories that were then shared by parents on social media platforms and helped build the Castorama brand and positioning
Meet Graham | Transport Accident Commission Victoria | Australia
Meet Graham | Transport Accident Commission Victoria | Australia
Meet Graham featured a grotesque depiction of how a human body would need to be formed in order to best withstand a car accident.
The ‘Graham’ sculpture was an unusual way of warning people of the damage they can do to themselves in a car accident
Within hours of being introduced to the world, Graham had captured the imagination from Melbourne to Mumbai. He quickly became a social media phenomenon and was one of the top-trending stories on Twitter and Facebook and attracting 10.4 million page videos on the official website within a week.
#undress522 | Abaad Resource Center for gender equality | Lebanon
#undress522 | Abaad Resource Center for gender equality | Lebanon
Lebanon is one of only 10 countries in the world that allows a rapist to be exonerated if he marries his victim, under Article 522 of the Lebanese Penal Code. This campaign used white wedding dresses as a powerful symbol of how society tries to hide this outrage. The message spread like wildfire across mainstream and social media resulting in a change in the law – not only in Lebanon but also Tunisia
Snickers created the Hungerithm - a hunger-algorithm that monitored online mood and priced SNICKERS at 7-Eleven accordingly. The angrier the Internet was, the cheaper Snickers became. The algorithm was built on a 3,000-word lexicon, analysing over 14,000 social posts and updating Snickers prices over 144 times daily.
The Hungerithm ran live 24/7 for 5 weeks, changing the price of a Snickers over 5000 times. In-store signage and digital display at 7-Eleven drove support; displaying the Hungerithm in real time and prompting shoppers to download a barcode.
Sales of Snickers in a key retailer rose by 10%, self-consumption sales grew by 19.25% in 7-Eleven, over 67% more SNICKERS units sold compared to the same period as last year. Snickers mentions increased by 120% with a 1,740% rise in social traffic and 71 million media impressions.
About 35% of these visitors have regularly returned to chase the Snapbot across 81 different locations. The Snapbot Twitter pictures have received 3.5M impressions and most importantly, Spectacles have been used to create over 8 million snaps, which have been viewed more than 1.2 billion times on stories in Snapchat.
The Swedish Number | Swedish Tourist Association | Sweden
The Swedish Number | Swedish Tourist Association | Sweden
The Swedish Tourist Association’s (STF) had experienced a dramatic decline in memberships. In order to stop the decline in memberships a new younger target audience was identified. Research revealed that the new target audience were more interested in travelling the rest of the world. Another problem was that Swedes by nature were not very nationalistic.
Our solution was to create a platform for Swedes to have conversations about Sweden with foreigners and in that way instill pride and curiosity both amongst Swedes themselves and the people they spoke to. The platform became a phone number - the world’s first number that led to an entire country and connected foreigners to random Swedes.
STF saw a 7.5% increase in memberships via the web. The campaign, which ran for 73 days, will have an financial impact over five years with a ROMI of 6912%. By initiating The Swedish Number and giving the brand of Sweden to the Swedes themselves, STF created over 180 000 unique meetings between Swedes and people from all over the world and became one of the most talked about campaigns of 2016, generating 9,324 billion media impressions and an estimated PR value of 146 621 169 USD.
Afghan Immunity Charm | Ministry of Public Health | Afghanistan
Afghan Immunity Charm | Ministry of Public Health | Afghanistan
Doctors and Healthcare professionals were given their own Immunity Charm Kits and required just a one hour training program. With each kit a doctor is equipped to take care of 50 children's Immunization records.
The immunity charm itself comprises coloured beads, with each bead being code for a specific vaccine. On every vaccine, doctors add the corresponding bead to the bracelet.
Afghanistan's vaccination completion rate is just 50%, and infant mortality rate is 101 out of every 1000 live births. As the Immunity Charm spreads across various Afghan provinces, it helps thousands of infants complete their vaccination schedule.
Ubrew launched this new low alcohol beer brand with an idea in its name: Responsibly, the beer all other beers ask you to drink. Taking advantage of the other beer brands that always end their communications with a "drink responsibly" or "enjoy responsibly" line.
The campaign, in the first few days after the launch, has reached over 3 millions of consumers and still now, keeps on stimulating conversations and positive comments from both consumers and industry employees.
In Peru, the allowed blood alcohol limit to drive is 0.5 g/l. From that level up, the driver’s reactions are impaired and risks of suffering an accident multiply. In order to generate awareness about this fact, Pacifico Insurance created a banner that invited the people during the video playback to slow the speed down to 0.5. In a very fun way, this function, when slowing playback speed down to 0.5, makes anyone speaking in the video act very much like a person under the influence of 0.5 g/l of blood alcohol.
With just a click, we were able to show how drinking alcohol may affect physical, motor and psychological ability when driving. The campaign garnered 27.000.000 digital impressions (Approximately 73% of Peru's entire population), was a trending topic in Peru and raised awareness about one of the most important causes of deaths in Peru.
India has the most underage girls in prostitution in the world with an estimated 1.2 million children working in brothels against their will.
The School for Justice is both a school and an education programme for girls from all school levels to offer the support, tuition and mentoring that they need to reach university level.
The School for Justice has a bold aim: to fight the injustice of child prostitution by educating girls rescued from child prostitution to become lawyers and prosecutors with the power to prosecute the criminals that once owned them
Two out of three women in Mexico suffer from some kind of gender violence and an astounding seven out of ten of them consider it normal.
In 2016, TECATE (the biggest brand of CM Heineken) established a powerful brand purpose and committed to deliver an impressive campaign to promote a more inclusive, modern and respectful model of masculinity.
Since it was launched, TECATE’S campaign has achieved a high profile partnership launched with an NGO, creation of a Women´s Empowerment Center, become 8th most viewed ad in 2016 on YouTube Mexico, €423K media publicity, 46.4 million digital impressions and 80% Positive Sentimental Feeling.
State Street Global challenged the symbol of corporate America—Wall Street's Charging Bull—with a bronze statue of a young girl, named “Fearless Girl.” Fearless Girl was designed to represent the power of women today and tomorrow.
Along with the statue, they created #FearlessGirl and invited people across the world to use it in joining the fight for women in leadership. The campaign reached over £1b Twitter impressions in the first 12 hours; 3.3 billion in five weeks and 405m Instagram impressions in six weeks.
Fearless Girl was featured in 4,122 broadcast news segments in the US, reaching 184.8M.
The Whole Story’s mobile app and online platform enables users to see, share and add new virtual statues alongside existing public statues. The project, featuring a one-of-a-kind augmented reality app, began a year ago in support of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
Launched in tandem with the Women in the World Summit, the work garnered positive public attention with coverage across top tier media.
The open-platform lets users discover and add female statues, allowing them to not only learn The Whole Story but to also help write it.